
Archive for April, 2009

As you may or may not know (or care), many of the great games that we own and that we are talking about on this site are designed by Germans.  Germans seem to love their board games more than any other group, I think.  Every year, there is a gigantic convention in Essen, Germany at which designers, publishers and the general public mingle and play new games together.

Once per year, the Kinderspiel des Jahres award is given out to a new children’s game.  Many of our favorite games have won this award in the past and this is a good starting point when you are searching for that next game you would like for your children.  Each game is also linked to Boardgamegeek.com, which needs some discussion as well, but that is for another time.

It is nice to see what won the current year, but your chances of getting it are slim.  If you can find someone who has imported it, great!  Just be ready to pay a few bucks.  Instead, if you are new to gaming or to buying games for children, explore the past winners.  You will have a better chance at getting the game, it will probably even have rules in English and you won’t have to spend an arm and a leg to get it.

Here is the current list of Kinderspiel des Jahres winners and links to the ‘Geek:

Year Winning Game Designer
2008 Wer war’s? Reiner Knizia
2007 Beppo der Bock Klaus Zoch & Peter Schackert
2006 Der schwarze Pirat Guido Hoffmann
2005 Das Kleine Gespenst Kai Haferkamp
2004 Geistertreppe Michelle Schanen
2003 Viva Topo! Manfred Ludwig
2002 Maskenball der Käfer Peter-Paul Joopen
2001 Klondike Stefanie Rohner and Christian Wolf
2000 Arbos Martin Arnold and Armin Müller
1999 Kayanak Peter-Paul Joopen
1998 Chicken Cha Cha Cha Klaus Zoch
1997 Leinen Los! Alex Randolph
1996 Vier zu mir! Heike Baum
1995 Karambolage Heinz Meister
1994 Loopin’ Louie Carol Wiseley
1993 Ringel Rangel Geni Wyss
1992 Galloping Pigs Heinz Meister
1991 Corsaro – Irrfahrt im Piratenmeer Wolfgang Kramer
1990 My Haunted Castle Virginia Charves
1989 Gute Freunde Alex Randolph

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